Portable Archery Target
Take your archery passion outdoors withthis versatile target. Whether you're in the forest, at a shootingrange, or enjoying a summer camp, this target is your perfectcompanion for honing your archery skills and having fun while doingso.
Featuring a surface crafted fromhigh-density XPE foam, this archery target is designed to endure amultitude of arrow strikes. Extracting arrows from the target iseasy, contributing to a seamless and efficient practicesession.
Designed with your convenience in mind,this archery arrow target is exceptionally lightweight, making itideal for teenagers to manage. Equipped with a built-in handle, itbecomes effortless to transport to your preferred shootinglocation.
Offering exceptional visibility andclearly defined aiming points, this outdoor portable archery targetsimplifies aiming at extended distances. Its vivid andhigh-contrast color scheme enhances visibility, while a range ofavailable patterns caters to various shooting preferences.
To ensure the durability of your arrowtarget, it's advisable to refrain from using broadhead arrows. Thistarget is designed to accommodate bows with a draw weight of up to45 pounds. The recommended shooting range spanning 98-164 feetprovides you with the confidence to practice effectively.