Portable Badminton Net Set
Our multi-sport portable net is more thanjust a badminton net; it's also suitable for pickleball, tennis,soccer tennis, and casual volleyball.
Enjoy unlimited backyard fun with ourversatile training net set. With adjustable heights from 3 ft to5.1 ft, you can easily switch the net from high to low, with evenlower settings for pickleball, tennis, and soccer tennis.
Our foldable pickleball net set is madeof high-quality material, perfect for indoor or outdoor use. Theiron tubes feature slotted foam for easy storage and bumpprotection, ensuring durability.
Set up in 5 minutes or less. No stakes ortools needed, even kids can join in! All parts are connected withflexible bungee cords, so there's no risk of losing anypieces.
The portable bag allows you to use thenet not just in the backyard/home but also to take it to the pool,beach, or park. It folds compactly and takes up minimalspace.