Data Retention Policy for Sellershook Marketplace



Sellershook is committed to maintaining the privacy and security of user data on its marketplace platform. This Data Retention Policy outlines the guidelines and procedures for retaining and deleting customer and merchant data in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. This policy applies to all data collected and stored by Sellershook.


Customer Data Retention

2.1. Active Customers

Sellershook will retain customer data for as long as the customer remains an active user of the platform.


2.2. Inactive Customers

If a customer has been inactive for a continuous period of 12 months, Sellershook will initiate the data deletion process for that customer. Within 30 days after the 12-month period, all data associated with the inactive customer will be permanently deleted, including any backups or archives.


Merchant Data Retention

3.1. Merchant Data Deletion

Merchants' data will be retained by Sellershook as long as they are active users of the platform. However, merchants have the right to request the deletion of their data at any time. Upon receiving a deletion request, Sellershook will promptly remove all merchant data from its systems within two days.

3.2. Uninstallation of Sellershook Application

In the event a merchant uninstalls the Sellershook application, Sellershook will retain the merchant's data for a period of two days to allow for any potential reinstallation or reactivation requests. After the two-day period, all data associated with the uninstalled merchant will be permanently deleted.


Data Retention for Investigation Purposes

Sellershook retains the right to keep customer and merchant data in cases where there are suspicions of fraud, terrorism, or violations of any regulatory obligations. In such instances, the data will be kept confidential and retained for investigation purposes until a clearance is obtained.


Data Security and Confidentiality

Sellershook is committed to maintaining the security and confidentiality of all customer and merchant data. Appropriate measures will be implemented to ensure data protection, including encryption, access controls, and regular security audits.


Compliance with Applicable Laws and Regulations

Sellershook will adhere to all applicable data protection laws and regulations, including but not limited to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and any other relevant privacy and data protection laws in the jurisdictions where Sellershook operates.


Data Subject Rights

Customers and merchants have the right to access, rectify, and delete their personal data in accordance with applicable data protection laws. Sellershook will facilitate the exercise of these rights and respond to any related requests promptly.


Updates to the Data Retention Policy

Sellershook reserves the right to update this Data Retention Policy as necessary to reflect changes in laws, regulations, or business practices. Any updates will be communicated to customers and merchants through appropriate channels.


Contact Information

If you have any questions, concerns, or requests related to data retention, please contact Sellershook's support team at
